The Legal Diva

Tales from the glamorous life I lead as a family law attorney.

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Location: South Jersey, United States

Gorgeous, intelligent, personable attorney.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Introductions & Introspections

I am an attorney with a solo practice. I have a home office. My support staff consists of security: the dog, pest control: the cat, and receptionist: the bird. I primarily practice family law. That's who I am.
Today I had a hearing for an emergent case. The judge had me appear by phone as I had 10 minutes notice of the hearing. There were 4 lawyers involved in the case. I am assuming that I was the only one in my pajamas for the hearing. I am also assuming I was the only one drinking coffee, smoking and checking my e-mail during the hearing. My role in the hearing consisted of saying "Yes, Your Honor" about 10 times. My client called later thrilled with the results of the hearing.
I am a brilliant lawyer.


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