The Legal Diva

Tales from the glamorous life I lead as a family law attorney.

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Location: South Jersey, United States

Gorgeous, intelligent, personable attorney.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

HiHo HiHo It's Into Debt We Go

I actually got dressed today because I had client appointments. Even in today's enlightened world, people just don't like to see their lawyers in pajamas. My clients believe that I sleep in a business suit. Sometimes I do after 8 beers.
Today's fare was living the American Middle Class dream. Own a home, own 2 cars, own 10 credit cards. Now that you're getting divorced all the partnership aspects of marriage are down the toilet. Funny how "ours" becomes "mine" at light speed once a couple divorces. Except for the debt, that's yours.
When I see that a couple has run up tens of thousands in credit card bills, I love to ask what they have to show for it. It doesn't help the case any, I'm just a bitch. 90% of the purchases were crap. Now you each get to pay for half the crap. After you pay me of course. Cash.


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