The Legal Diva

Tales from the glamorous life I lead as a family law attorney.

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Location: South Jersey, United States

Gorgeous, intelligent, personable attorney.

Friday, October 15, 2004

"Putting the Screws" as a Negotiating Technique

Early this morning I delivered a property settlement agreement to my adversary. Both parties had signed and dated, both attorneys had notarized. The parties were closing on the sale of their home this afternoon and the settlement agreement addressed all the financial issues between them, including the disbursement of the equity from the home. The deal was done after many excruciating hours of negotiation. HA!
I had barely left the other attorney before the phone started ringing. Let's sum up the renegotiation of the iron clad settlement agreement by phone call in order: Closing costs are higher than we thought, will your guy split the difference? My guy: No. Closing costs are a little lower than the last phone call in which they were higher, let's use the excess escrow. My guy: OK. Oops, they owe escrow, closing costs back up even higher than before, back to half. My guy: No. Buyer is paying sewage bill, closing costs back down, still half. My guy: can't reach. Other attorney: can't reach, leave message: for 70 bucks let them duke it out at closing. My guy finally returns calls. Now my brilliant strategy is introduced: other side desperately wants the money from the house sale today. At closing demand that all profits from the house be put into escrow until a decision is made as to how to handle the $140.00 not covered.
Neither attorney is going to the closing. My client is on his own. Turns out putting the screws to your ex works like a charm. My client's ex ate the excess costs. And they say that attorney's don't earn their reputations as weasels.


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