The Legal Diva

Tales from the glamorous life I lead as a family law attorney.

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Location: South Jersey, United States

Gorgeous, intelligent, personable attorney.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional

Today a friend called me to represent him in a domestic violence matter. Seems he and his girlfriend went out last week, got trashed and then got into a knock-down drag-out fight. She got to the cops first. Apparently she showed up at the police station, still rip roaring drunk and covered in puke, to file an assault complaint and get a restraining order. My friend, who is honest to a fault, even to his own detriment, tells me that his role in the fiasco was purely defensive. I believe him.
I have never known my friend to be violent. I have witnessed his girlfriend turn into a Mohammed Ali drunk. They have an extensive history of contention and he had asked her to move out of his house the night before the fight.
Too often I have seen women using restraining orders as a tool for vengeance. As a lawyer, this is on my top 5 list of things that infuriate and disgust me. Every time a woman gets back at her significant other by filing a false domestic violence claim she harms all those women out there who desperately need this protection. She makes a mockery of those women that are beat up and killed on a far too regular basis. Pardon my sexual bias, but realistically and statistically, women make up the majority of domestic violence victims.
Although I don't usually represent friends, I will in this case because I feel strongly about the abuse of restraining orders. The truly sad part of all this is that after all my angst, these 2 will probably make up an hour after the trial.


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