The Legal Diva

Tales from the glamorous life I lead as a family law attorney.

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Location: South Jersey, United States

Gorgeous, intelligent, personable attorney.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Judicial Discretion

All judges in New Jersey were lawyers at one time. I have practiced long enough to have known most of the judges I'm regularly in front of when they were lawyers. Most of them were nice people and good lawyers to work with. Then they get the robe. The judicial equivalent of Superman's tights and cape with the ego to match.
I find that each judge manifests their new found power in different and unique ways. One judge kicks back every filing that has even miniscule typos. One berates and disparages attorneys and litigants from the bench way out of proportion to the alleged insult to judicial sensibility. One makes all the litigants stand while their case is heard. One sets time lines that are impossible to meet. One schedules appearances on short notice with total disregard for anyone's schedule that's involved. One just flat out hollers at everyone.
Don't get me wrong, there are a few judges who don't let the power get to their heads and treat everyone with respect. Unfortunately they seem to be the minority. I think family judges are some of the worst offenders and I have some sympathy. It can't be easy to sit there all day listening to the tales of how awful people can be to each other and their kids. I always pray for early appearances in hopes that they aren't yet tired of hearing all the crap early in the morning. My advice, when you get an egomaniacal judge, just remember, the men are wearing only whitey-tighties under that robe, and the women have on Madonna cone bras and knee high stockings.


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